I had lunch with a two wonderful individuals the other day. One I've had the pleasure to get to know over the past few months, and one whom I had just met 5 minutes before. It wasn't me sitting at that table. In the corner, one of not so many females, surrounded by suits. I like the suits.
It's in my blood. The closed toe, blackberry dependent, high rise hustler. I crave the energy of the diversified. Ask me to get the job done, and I'll do it. The dilemma is being asked. The problem is maybe I'm just being too easy. Why wait for permission. I know what I want. Now, sitting in the corner, I just need to go get it. I've always been a player, now in this climate, it's time for me to choose the game.
This lunch sandwiched between two friends sent a clear message. Start to read between the lines, then write the next page. The gentleman who preferred his tea iced welcomed me into this regiment. Although glancing down to hit a few bottoms every so often, he ignorantly paved the way for my future. The man to my left, always a cheerleader, bantered back and forth. There I sat seeing green, waiting for the moment my mind would catch up with my mouth. I knew exactly what to say. The words were stuck in another time zone.
I know exactly what I am capable of, I know exactly where I want to be, I know exactly who I want to encounter along the way. Sure I welcome surpises along the way. This is what keeps life intersting. Having been smeared with the dilemma, surprise one has been ruined. Time to wake up Natalie. Rule number one: remember to speak the words in your mind at every moment along the way. You never know who you are going to be having lunch with.