It's no surprise, I love to run. The benefits are numerous, stellar and achievable each and every time I go. No matter how far, how fast or how long there is a sense of accomplishment after. This accomplishment is mine, solely mine, mine alone. No one else helped me, well maybe my iPod, but the soundtrack was still mine.
Now, I am a firm believer in team sports. The benefits of belonging to a team, forming life-long bonds, pulling together to defeat, feeling as if you play a vital role in the success, learning, teaching, leading.... As with everything in life, there needs to be a balance. So if I am blessed to partake in both team and individual sports in my life, why should I not? Who I am today is so much because of the relationships I've made as a member of a team and the running community.
Whether you're having a bad day, need to unwind, just broke up with your boyfriend, had a fight with your mom, can't make a decision if your life depended on it, have too much free time, need to feel like you're in control, suffer from OCD or need to loose a few pounds, running can be that cure. The power of running is exponential.
Once call yourself a runner, you are not alone. There is a bond. You may be all alone running your chosen path, but as another crosses your path this complete stranger shares a connection with you that only fellow runners can. Even when you're not the one kicking up dust, you connect. When I see a runner and it's not me out there, I'm pissed. Pissed because I wish I was running. Pissed because they may be going faster or farther than I. Pissed because they are escaping. I may be pissed, but I still smile. Smile because I will be them. Smile because I have the power to go as far, fast and long as I want to. Smile because I am blessed with the ability to feel. If only I could lead others to this victory, this high.
This individual sport is far larger than any team. Membership is only up to you. You choose.
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Sunday, August 22, 2010
The Art of A Twenty-Something

A article published in the New York Times this week has left me quite perplexed. This article titled, "What Is It About 20-Somethings?", goes into great length to try and discover the reason why the 20-someones are failing to travel the traditional cycle paved by generations before.
"The traditional cycle seems to have gone off course, as young people remain untethered to romantic partners or to permanent homes, going back to school for lack of better options, traveling, avoiding commitments, competing ferociously for unpaid internships or temporary (and often grueling) Teach for America jobs, forestalling the beginning of adult life."
I am no doctor or even a genius, but could this lack of following tradition be just the renaissance this country needs. Where has this holier than though tradition led us? The divorce rate is over 50%, unemployment rates are higher than ever, we are STILL at war, the housing market is failing, the automotive industry is bankrupt, youth education is suffering budget cuts and the government has handed out checks to stimulate the economy while simultaneously extended the time allowance for benefiting from not working. Oh and we're fat.
"Sociologists traditionally define the “transition to adulthood” as marked by five milestones: completing school, leaving home, becoming financially independent, marrying and having a child. In 1960, 77 percent of women and 65 percent of men had, by the time they reached 30, passed all five milestones."
I may be missing something, but the tradition needs to be updated. What is wrong with gaining higher education? Since when did supporting the ones you love become shunned? What is the rush to achieve these profound milestones by the age of 30? What happens then? All the happy couples suffocated by their jobs, without time to raise their children, go on vacation, read a book, learn new things? This is not 1960.

The article prefixed with two examples of syndicated television debuts this fall is more irritating than the authors lack of providing relevancy. If the tradition was working the television industry would not be capitalizing off of this new era of so-called inadequacy in life development. Anyone else pissed they aren't considered an adult because they haven't succumbed to the perennial march from step 1-5.
Dream on 20-Somethings. Continue to decline to settle for the mindless job that keeps you away from finding the relationship that breeds love, time to actually raise your children and opportunity to better the world we all live in. Happy people equals healthy, stable and productive people. Right now we're all fat, lazy, unemployed and on the verge of a nervous breakdown. I don't know about you, but any cycle "they" say I'm suppose to follow needs to be rerouted.
Friday, August 13, 2010
Hard Knocking Controversy

Mr. Rex Ryan is stirring up the pot. Jets fans should be loving it, even if his momma is not.
Yeah, yeah, preseason.... blah blah. Monday nights game will not be played like every other preseason game. A rivalry is a rivalry. No matter how much downplaying both sides do, emotion and bragging rights are going to propel this match-up. The New York Jets will host the New York Giants in the preseason game held at Meadowlands Stadium August 16th.
Jets fans have more relevancy to their debate on the who's who of the NFL in the city of lights. This season marks the first in which both teams equally share their playing field. Previously Giants Stadium, aka Giants home, aka New York's football team as is argued the Yankees are New Yorks baseball team, was demolished on June 28, 2010.
Despite Giants coach Tom Coughlin's statements regarding his lack of awareness of HBO's "Hard Knocks", the media is fueling the fire. Contract controversy, a new stadium, a new television show and a coaches foul mouth give plenty to talk about.
Everyone likes a good old fashion fight for the right to claim King. Green just may be the new fall color. New season, new stadium. Did I mention the Jets are the home team, just sayin.
They're a Gang of Em'
I continue to vocalize the belief that one individual a team does not make.
All together now, "There's no I in team." This belief, I am happy to say, is not of mine alone.
Reports today stated statistical facts crediting the idea that the Jets can still be relish in championship status minus the proclaimed superstar cornerback. Now that the negotiations are being conducted behind that glass door, experts now have the opportunity to weigh in on the issue.
Statistics don't lie. Revis led the league in 2009 with an average under 4 yards allowed per game. Three of the Jets cornerbacks made the top 20 according to ProFootball Focus. Thus although Revis over-achievements last season shot him to list topping status, his fellow teammates are clearly capable of pulling their own weight.
Hey if Lebron couldn't grab a ring for Cleveland, what makes Revis think it is his involvement that will make or break the gang. Ryan's playing this smart and the organization is making the right choice. It may not be the immediate gratification, but for the love of the Jets, the players and the fans, it is the way to keep the future bright.
All together now, "There's no I in team." This belief, I am happy to say, is not of mine alone.
Reports today stated statistical facts crediting the idea that the Jets can still be relish in championship status minus the proclaimed superstar cornerback. Now that the negotiations are being conducted behind that glass door, experts now have the opportunity to weigh in on the issue.
Statistics don't lie. Revis led the league in 2009 with an average under 4 yards allowed per game. Three of the Jets cornerbacks made the top 20 according to ProFootball Focus. Thus although Revis over-achievements last season shot him to list topping status, his fellow teammates are clearly capable of pulling their own weight.
Hey if Lebron couldn't grab a ring for Cleveland, what makes Revis think it is his involvement that will make or break the gang. Ryan's playing this smart and the organization is making the right choice. It may not be the immediate gratification, but for the love of the Jets, the players and the fans, it is the way to keep the future bright.
Thursday, August 12, 2010
No Media Allowed

Almost as a slap in the face, today, 12 days after Revis opted out of training with his teammates in Cortland, both sides have decided to handle the sensitive matter behind closed doors. These doors are made of glass. Although we are not truly sure what is being said inside, we know the problem. At this point running back through an open door were information has come and gone so profoundly, it gives the media, fans and know-it-all's plenty more to speculate. The debut of the Hard Knocks on HBO last night, the level of knowledge on this battle has skyrocketed. Closing the door know is only opening another to draw negative attention to the Jets organization and Revis himself. With previous comments backing the star cornerback up, we can only assume what those who know nothing about the game or the players will spew. Is this solving the problem? NO. NO. NO.
I refer to my post yesterday, Revis is part of a team. This is not a one man show. I don't care what market value is perceived to be at. Since when do persons establish market value. Rex Ryan's idea to bring the team together to have a "sit down" with Revis has its pros and cons. I believe this is a battle between the athlete and the organization. However, Revis's actions affect more than himself. There are consequences that need to be addressed when failing to be a part of the team you are paid to be a part of. I don't care how much money is being shelled out.
His teammates have expressed their issues with Revis's decision to exclude himself. Edwards responded to Revis's media attention has making one member of the team bigger than the rest.
Let me make myself clear. I relate to the argument that one should be rewarded for hard work and proof of excelling at the job they were hired to do. In my opinion, all professional athletes have been rewarded by simply being drafted, achieving recognition, sought for endorsement deals and negotioning salaries well above pay grades. At what point does morals and values get shoved under the rug to please an athlete who may or may not continue to be an over achiever. This cornerback did not establish the NFL or the New York Jets. Revis needs to remember that somewhere out there there is another stellar athlete waiting to sink his island.
By missing the Tuesday night deadline to secure another year of accrued service toward free agency Revis is making it clear he is willing to give up a year of play to prove a point. The point, money talks. Point two, in a year athletes will be lined up to take his place.
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
The Great Debate

What will come of the Gang of Green storming Meadowland Stadium this NFL season? I predict good, no great things. I have to admit franchises have made some pretty surprising moves during this off-season, welcome T.O and Ocho Cinco to the Bengals, but the boldest move to effect those dear to me, the vacancy on Revis Island. I personally want to thank Rex Ryan for any part he played in letting "Show me the money" Revis think about trying to find a new home. This may be a small part in the responsibility sports has to act as a positive role model for society as a whole. Since when is it ok to bargain for millions when billions go hungry? I realize it is not the problem of one man, one team, one business, or one billionaire. However, I believe as a athlete you have a standard to uphold.
Arguably the best cornerback in the NFL, an argument I am not against, Revis feels he should be the highest paid in the league. Actions taken on and off the field show an athletes true colors, commitment, loyalty and values regarding their god-given talent and undying persistence to maintain this ability. The almighty Revis is showing his true colors by pushing the envelope. His lack of devotion to his fellow teammates and the game in general shed light on his unwillingness to play for tangible assets. I question ones ability to survive without a salary over one million dollars. Absurd, I know. Just ask Mr. Darrelle Revis.
To the Jets: Ryan will coach you to victory, because it is not one player that makes a champion, it is a team that brings the trophy and triumph home.
To the Jets Fans: Please do not let the actions of one athlete play a role in your dedication to the rest of the teams potential to excel, entertain and prove their commitment to their community.
Come February 2011, Revis Island will have floated into an abyss, engulfed in a much bigger sea than one small mass can over power. Looking down from above, a mere spec in the larger picture. Either that or we'll see him on reality t.v.
Sunday, August 8, 2010
What Makes You Tick

I am fan. Really, we are all fans. There are many things that bring us joy in life, many many things. Sometimes these joyous things aren't appreciated nor recognized. Each and every day we all need to take the time to stop and smell the roses. White are my favorite. White roses bring me joy. I am a fan of white roses, then I am a fan of flowers and to this I am a fan of growth, the earth, gardening, florists, those who give flowers....get the point. So when is the last time you stopped to remember just why you were a fan to these tangible and intangible bundles of joy.
I like steps, stages, progression, goal-setting. So lets begin with a simple process we can remind ourselves everyday to accomplish.
Step 1: Make a list of the first things that come to mind that make you smile. Choose a category or topic to analyze. Everyday is a new day and with every new day comes a heightened level of happiness in regards to a few lucky joys.
Step 2: Remember to be happy. After-all happiness is a state of mind. You choose.
Step 3: There is a reason why you are a fan of these happy thoughts. What are the reasons?
Easy 3-Step process to examine where your fandom comes from. Why do we care? Well, it's another mind game we pay with ourselves. We choose what brings us joy and you may not want to know why, but I do. I do, so that when I'm having a bad moment- we all have these experiences- I can easily choose to be happy again by remembering what certain things bring me joy and make me happy.
So today, I love football. Everyday I love football, but today I am reminding myself why I love the game. I like the New York Jets and the Detroit Lions. True I am from Detroit, but I have no association with the Jets other than I love NYC and I've witnessed QB Mark Sanchez prove he's more than just a football player. Football brings me joy because I grew up going to Michigan games with my dad. I've always wanted to please my dad. Thank you dad for giving me the joy I experience from watching, playing, writing, talking and learning with football.
So why are you a fan? Why did I choose the Jets, the Lions and Michigan football? If nothing else you will establish a relationship with happy thoughts.
Saturday, August 7, 2010
Kicking Off the 2010 Season

Today was a day of tribute, honor and recognition. Today, more than any other day, I feel honored to say as Mr. Dick LeBeau did,
"I am proud to be from Detroit."Today was the 2010 NFL Hall of Fame ceremony in Canton, Ohio. In the crowd stood fans, Hall of Fame legends, coaches, future inductees, family, friends and incredible athletes. In the crowd thousands rose to pay tribute to the game of football. Seven of the greatest the game has ever seen were enshrined today, each with words provoking tears, smiles, applause and undying gratitude for their dedication.
As the oldest defensive coordinator in the NFL, 73 year-old LeBeau proved what living life to the fullest everyday can lead to, two Super Bowl championships after the so-called retirement age! His Steelers broke from training camp to honor their coach at Fawcett Stadium and forced this Detroiter to a new found respect for the organization. After-all we may all have our favorite teams, our favorite players, our Super Bowl picks and MVP's, but on this day, we all had one thing in common- the love for the game. Presented to the Hall-of-Fame by his brother, Mr. Bob LeBeau, he said it best, "We're football people."
The Class of 2010
Russ Grimm | Rickey Jackson | Dick LeBeau | Floyd Little | John Randle
| Jerry Rice | Emmitt Smith
"Life is for living folks. Don't let a number be anything other than what it is, a number."
-Dick LeBeau
Russ Grimm | Rickey Jackson | Dick LeBeau | Floyd Little | John Randle
| Jerry Rice | Emmitt Smith
"Life is for living folks. Don't let a number be anything other than what it is, a number."
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
The World is Bigger Than You Think
These days there are numerous topics that seem to fire me up. Maybe it is the recent end to my educational pursuit (for the moment) or the lack of an immediate full time job to fall into, but my head continues to spin from all the information it is fed daily.
Today, the source of my twitch- obesity. Let me state for the court, this is not the first time I've tried to calm the nerve. In the past few days I've had the pleasure to meet a group of people so passionate, so enthusiastic, so energetic, my eyes widen, ears perked and mind went into overdrive. We the people. We the people really do have the power to change. There are people out there who truly will not stand for the brainwashing from multiple industries to continue to expand our waistlines and rest our beating hearts.
Fun fact: 25-30% of the population in 50 states has been declared obese.
So what are we going to do about it? It starts here, with you and I. It starts with you taking charge of your life, your future, and those who you care about. This is the moment when you say, "Well aren't we all living longer? Haven't we made numerous medical advances in the last few decades?" I am not here to dispute this fact. I am simply here to say, educate yourself. Not by goggleing "eating healthy"; you're bound to be faced with an overload of contradictory sales pitches fighting for your dollar and promising you loose twenty pounds in three days if you just eat their oh so tasteful frozen, packaged, processed, over-priced, nutritionless, sodium washed product. Do not, I repeat, DO NOT try this alone. I want to make it clear, I am just like you. I am not a doctor, a nutritionist or health care professional. But, I do want my grandmother to hold her grandchildren and my father to walk me down the isle.
We've all heard it, "you are what you eat". And let me tell you, we're all chemically charged. Next time you're grocery shopping or reaching in your fridge for a healthy on-the-go snack take a look at the nutrition facts. Do you know what you're putting into the only body you have. The body that we all are in some way shape or form longing to "fix".
Step One: Make a list of all the ways you wish you felt. Jot down all the things that prevent you from feeling on top of the world. I'm talking about headaches, joint pain, acid reflux, bloating, fatigue, poor vision, irregular bowl movements. All of the ways we've become accustomed to are not normal. You shouldn't get sick, feel tired daily or crave certain foods. These are the symptoms of a certain lifestyle we've all fallen into, a proven unhealthy one. Ok, so you're thin. I find it hard to believe you feel like your on cloud nine everyday or there is not a thing you wish you could change about your inner and outer being. Take the time for you. Take the time to invest in your future. Start today, with this list. At the very least it will open your eyes to your reality.
Step Two: Talk to people. You'd be surprised who else is use to feeling less than sublime and how many support systems there are out there. Busy you say, take the drama out of it. Be healthy each and every day by finding that balance of support and guidance. I firmly believe so many of us just do not know what is truth anymore. Real people, real stories, real results. These are the ones you gravitate towards. Reach out. The few who are feeling on top of the world wish that upon others. Healthy people make happy people and happy people make for a peaceful world.
Step Three: If no one comes to mind. I support you. I am happy to be there for any guidance you may need to aid in your quest to live a long, good and healthy life.
Here is a great start on the first step towards a lifetime of feeling on top of the world!
Healthy Eating: Easy Tips for Planning a Healthy Diet & Sticking to It
Why wait? We've only got one life to live.
This post is dedicated to a former California State University-Long Beach Sport Management graduate student who has been taken from this world too soon. Although I did not know this husband, son and friend personally, he will be missed and loved eternally.
Today, the source of my twitch- obesity. Let me state for the court, this is not the first time I've tried to calm the nerve. In the past few days I've had the pleasure to meet a group of people so passionate, so enthusiastic, so energetic, my eyes widen, ears perked and mind went into overdrive. We the people. We the people really do have the power to change. There are people out there who truly will not stand for the brainwashing from multiple industries to continue to expand our waistlines and rest our beating hearts.
Fun fact: 25-30% of the population in 50 states has been declared obese.
So what are we going to do about it? It starts here, with you and I. It starts with you taking charge of your life, your future, and those who you care about. This is the moment when you say, "Well aren't we all living longer? Haven't we made numerous medical advances in the last few decades?" I am not here to dispute this fact. I am simply here to say, educate yourself. Not by goggleing "eating healthy"; you're bound to be faced with an overload of contradictory sales pitches fighting for your dollar and promising you loose twenty pounds in three days if you just eat their oh so tasteful frozen, packaged, processed, over-priced, nutritionless, sodium washed product. Do not, I repeat, DO NOT try this alone. I want to make it clear, I am just like you. I am not a doctor, a nutritionist or health care professional. But, I do want my grandmother to hold her grandchildren and my father to walk me down the isle.
We've all heard it, "you are what you eat". And let me tell you, we're all chemically charged. Next time you're grocery shopping or reaching in your fridge for a healthy on-the-go snack take a look at the nutrition facts. Do you know what you're putting into the only body you have. The body that we all are in some way shape or form longing to "fix".
Step One: Make a list of all the ways you wish you felt. Jot down all the things that prevent you from feeling on top of the world. I'm talking about headaches, joint pain, acid reflux, bloating, fatigue, poor vision, irregular bowl movements. All of the ways we've become accustomed to are not normal. You shouldn't get sick, feel tired daily or crave certain foods. These are the symptoms of a certain lifestyle we've all fallen into, a proven unhealthy one. Ok, so you're thin. I find it hard to believe you feel like your on cloud nine everyday or there is not a thing you wish you could change about your inner and outer being. Take the time for you. Take the time to invest in your future. Start today, with this list. At the very least it will open your eyes to your reality.
Step Two: Talk to people. You'd be surprised who else is use to feeling less than sublime and how many support systems there are out there. Busy you say, take the drama out of it. Be healthy each and every day by finding that balance of support and guidance. I firmly believe so many of us just do not know what is truth anymore. Real people, real stories, real results. These are the ones you gravitate towards. Reach out. The few who are feeling on top of the world wish that upon others. Healthy people make happy people and happy people make for a peaceful world.
Step Three: If no one comes to mind. I support you. I am happy to be there for any guidance you may need to aid in your quest to live a long, good and healthy life.
Here is a great start on the first step towards a lifetime of feeling on top of the world!
Healthy Eating: Easy Tips for Planning a Healthy Diet & Sticking to It
Why wait? We've only got one life to live.
This post is dedicated to a former California State University-Long Beach Sport Management graduate student who has been taken from this world too soon. Although I did not know this husband, son and friend personally, he will be missed and loved eternally.
Sunday, August 1, 2010
What Color Do You Bleed?
Green. Well at least for the NFL season. My veins change to suit the game for the day. What better time of year then the present? This is the last Sunday without football! Not that I'm complaining really because once Lebron declared his final destination, the world embraced all the rest of the sports industry! No offense to you MLB lovers, but this girl loves her some football, basketball and hockey! And I can't wait til November.....No distractions for my ESPN family. Nonstop coverage of my vices, thank god for twitter!!
So Green, I say. The Hard Knocks, the East Coast Californication, the 2011 Super Bowl Champions.....the New York Jets. And, please quote me on this! Who knows, maybe it's because I wished so badly to find that person, that counselor, that mentor to walk with me down my master's path, I believe passionately in the power of wisdom. Sanchez lead his boys to an AFC Championship last season as a rookie, an independent, 3000 miles away from his support system. The possibilities for this year are endless! Rex acted as a coach shall by bringing Brunell to guide Sanchez and his 52 man entourage to victory. *insert song here* I mean where did the Aints come from.....seriously!
Together Mark-E-Mark are going to take the league by storm! Did I mention they have a little help from their friends.
Mix in a little Hall of Fame potential, top draft picks, MVP's Pro Bowlers, league bests and a beast moving chains. Tomorrows camp debut should be intense.
Heavyweight middleman, the return of Island Revis and a Cromathlete tossed with 5'8 love, CP and a "Madbacker" are likely to give the opposing offense a twitch or two.
What the Jets have is support. In the locker room, on the baseline and the field. In Cortland when it rains, it pours. When you're not puddle jumping you're covered in White. The Jets, the hand shaking the snow globe. If you look closely, you may just see a sack dance goin on inside.
See you on the fence.
So Green, I say. The Hard Knocks, the East Coast Californication, the 2011 Super Bowl Champions.....the New York Jets. And, please quote me on this! Who knows, maybe it's because I wished so badly to find that person, that counselor, that mentor to walk with me down my master's path, I believe passionately in the power of wisdom. Sanchez lead his boys to an AFC Championship last season as a rookie, an independent, 3000 miles away from his support system. The possibilities for this year are endless! Rex acted as a coach shall by bringing Brunell to guide Sanchez and his 52 man entourage to victory. *insert song here* I mean where did the Aints come from.....seriously!
Together Mark-E-Mark are going to take the league by storm! Did I mention they have a little help from their friends.
Mix in a little Hall of Fame potential, top draft picks, MVP's Pro Bowlers, league bests and a beast moving chains. Tomorrows camp debut should be intense.
Heavyweight middleman, the return of Island Revis and a Cromathlete tossed with 5'8 love, CP and a "Madbacker" are likely to give the opposing offense a twitch or two.
What the Jets have is support. In the locker room, on the baseline and the field. In Cortland when it rains, it pours. When you're not puddle jumping you're covered in White. The Jets, the hand shaking the snow globe. If you look closely, you may just see a sack dance goin on inside.
See you on the fence.
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