These days there are numerous topics that seem to fire me up. Maybe it is the recent end to my educational pursuit (for the moment) or the lack of an immediate full time job to fall into, but my head continues to spin from all the information it is fed daily.
Today, the source of my twitch- obesity. Let me state for the court, this is not the first time I've tried to calm the nerve. In the past few days I've had the pleasure to meet a group of people so passionate, so enthusiastic, so energetic, my eyes widen, ears perked and mind went into overdrive. We the people. We the people really do have the power to change. There are people out there who truly will not stand for the brainwashing from multiple industries to continue to expand our waistlines and rest our beating hearts.
Fun fact: 25-30% of the population in 50 states has been declared obese.
So what are we going to do about it? It starts here, with you and I. It starts with you taking charge of your life, your future, and those who you care about. This is the moment when you say, "Well aren't we all living longer? Haven't we made numerous medical advances in the last few decades?" I am not here to dispute this fact. I am simply here to say, educate yourself. Not by goggleing "eating healthy"; you're bound to be faced with an overload of contradictory sales pitches fighting for your dollar and promising you loose twenty pounds in three days if you just eat their oh so tasteful frozen, packaged, processed, over-priced, nutritionless, sodium washed product. Do not, I repeat, DO NOT try this alone. I want to make it clear, I am just like you. I am not a doctor, a nutritionist or health care professional. But, I do want my grandmother to hold her grandchildren and my father to walk me down the isle.
We've all heard it, "you are what you eat". And let me tell you, we're all chemically charged. Next time you're grocery shopping or reaching in your fridge for a healthy on-the-go snack take a look at the nutrition facts. Do you know what you're putting into the only body you have. The body that we all are in some way shape or form longing to "fix".
Step One: Make a list of all the ways you wish you felt. Jot down all the things that prevent you from feeling on top of the world. I'm talking about headaches, joint pain, acid reflux, bloating, fatigue, poor vision, irregular bowl movements. All of the ways we've become accustomed to are not normal. You shouldn't get sick, feel tired daily or crave certain foods. These are the symptoms of a certain lifestyle we've all fallen into, a proven unhealthy one. Ok, so you're thin. I find it hard to believe you feel like your on cloud nine everyday or there is not a thing you wish you could change about your inner and outer being. Take the time for you. Take the time to invest in your future. Start today, with this list. At the very least it will open your eyes to your reality.
Step Two: Talk to people. You'd be surprised who else is use to feeling less than sublime and how many support systems there are out there. Busy you say, take the drama out of it. Be healthy each and every day by finding that balance of support and guidance. I firmly believe so many of us just do not know what is truth anymore. Real people, real stories, real results. These are the ones you gravitate towards. Reach out. The few who are feeling on top of the world wish that upon others. Healthy people make happy people and happy people make for a peaceful world.
Step Three: If no one comes to mind. I support you. I am happy to be there for any guidance you may need to aid in your quest to live a long, good and healthy life.
Here is a great start on the first step towards a lifetime of feeling on top of the world!
Healthy Eating: Easy Tips for Planning a Healthy Diet & Sticking to It
Why wait? We've only got one life to live.
This post is dedicated to a former California State University-Long Beach Sport Management graduate student who has been taken from this world too soon. Although I did not know this husband, son and friend personally, he will be missed and loved eternally.
Great story!!