It's been awhile. Well, let's just stick to the it's been awhile since I've blogged. The other activities I have also failed to routinely participate in is a whole other story.
Not sure what the reason is, but lately I've been comatosed. I can't quite get a grip on what is happening in the world of Natalie. This is me not complaining. I repeated this daily, "I am blessed in so many ways." Apparently my mind has become immune to this mantra.
Maybe it's the summer air looming. It is possible my mind and body have not yet gotten use to the seasons. One can get pretty spoiled in a California state of mind. This funk is getting me absolutely no where. Still, I can't help but feel there is a piece of me missing. Like someone came by and licked the filling out of my Oreo, stuck it back together and gave it back to me. Repeatedly.
This constant void of obligations leaves much too much time for my mind to ponder. I don't want to think anymore. A friend of mine once told me staying busy only left me unable to truly think about life and the true importanties. Pig-posh. I told him, I know what is important. Well, turns out he was not only older, but wiser. Hate it when that happens.
Now I trapped in this seemingly never-ending wormhole of thoughtfulness. Sh%t, what did I think was so important again......
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