Those who know me, or even off me, know, I eat like a bird, am slightly neurotic, crave 2-a-days and base my shopping cart contents on labels. I answer to Bones, Bits & Slim and enjoy salad. Lots and lots of salad. Even if I made Big Tony happy and devoured a hamburger every once in awhile, I'd still be hungry.
The center of us all holds the power to break us wide open. Strengthen your center. Love it obsessively. Devote time you think you don't have to protect your core. Float. Stay still for long enough to discover who you are.
If you've ever floated, you know this is not the easy way out. So fight. Fight with the current. It takes practice to just be. It takes strength to hold yourself together, hold yourself apart, hold on to the you. Cut yourself some slack, but only the self that has your back. Stop. Stop excusing yourself. I'm practicing with you, not next to you, but focusing on the back to build the strength to move forward. This isn't a game. There's no prize at the end. Your name won't be echoed across courts or fields or PA's. The experience doesn't have a start button or a stop watch.
Life is not hard, we all just make it that way by trying relentlessly to be the voice in our head scripted by outsiders to fit in perfected little boxes. Stop. Stop suffocating. Bend. Put your back into it. Drive them all mad. If you fit in, you can't stand out. How incredibly excruciating it is to be who we're not.
You can't be hungry and satisfied at the same time. Continuously challenge yourself. Only the dead go with the flow. Live your dreams no matter where in life you are. You're still living.
Repeat after me.....Dream it. Believe it. Do it. Time spent wondering what others will say, think or do as they watch you dive off a cliff is time wasted on your dreams. Don't for one minute, one nano second, think you have the luxury of time. Imagine how many of your dreams could come true if you acted wildly, responding to passion calling.
It's easy to talk about it. It's easy to preach. It's not easy to do. Insert clique here. If we all spent half the time we do drowning in social media, and even this blog, we'd be on our way. The more you do, the more you do. Insert clique deux.
The point. Invest in yourself. Manage your dreams instead of your profile. The likes impact have nothing on the growing possibility of loving- not liking- your center, your whole, your pains.
Be hungry. The pains are worth it. Be foolish. Floating happily.
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