Lately my life is consumed with trying to find a job. A recent graduate, former three job holder and full-time student has left me in a constant state of panic with an overwhelming amount of free time. Second guessing myself concerning the choices I've made is a ritual my mind has developed. No amount of self-talk is helping. It seems my mind has a mind of its own.
There are countless articles, peer reviews, life coaches, motivational speakers and books out there in this media crazed world to help those just like me (God please let me not stand alone) to become the 1 in 10 Americans suffering from depression. First, happiness is a state of mind. Yes, I can be happy and also have a panic attack. Truthfully speaking, it is quite possible I should be worrying more than I am. I mean, I do have student loans since I just HAD to get my masters. I do have to pay rent, bills and ya know eat from time to time despite what many friends may think. Yes, I do eat. It's simple, I refuse to let matters that are not in my control depict my attitude, well-being or sense of accomplishment. No one, and I mean no one, is going to bring me down. Okay, I'm self-talking again. Budda would be pleased.
So now with my agonizing amount of free time, I will be productive. Setting new goals, relishing in my many blessings and consistently oozing positiveness is just an alternative lifestyle I must become accustomed to.
The newest goal added to my Bucket List, yes everyone should have one (thanks Jack), is to continue my education further to obtain my PhD. I have lived in Michigan, New York and California, so now onto the next city of my choosing. I see Texas or Colorado in my future. I believe education is an investment, so another student loan is a means to an end.
There are so many things I want to learn still. My goal in life is to help people. Help people to be the very best that they can be. Possibly a fault, but I would rather buy for others, give money away, spend time volunteering and research ways to build awareness of issues effecting all Americans in some way shape or form, than live a lavish lifestyle surrounded by more bedrooms than I need, a car that could feed thousands for weeks or wear enough bling to light a small town.
Most of my family and friends, and even acquaintances I see frequently, would say I am a health freak and obsessive runner. A friend once told me I may train harder than pro athletes. BEST. COMPLIMENT. EVER. No matter the time, place, amount of energy or feeling, a workout always makes me feel better. I heard on the radio the other day that if you are feeling a little sluggish, it has been found that if you simply step outside for 10 minutes you will be re-energized. No surprise there. It has been well known for years the power of natural sunlight. I can't tell you the last time I took a Tylenol or filled a prescription. Everything that happens to your body can be cured through natural substances. If we take anything from other cultures, it should be some of their ways of practicing medicine. Heck, look at their lifespans, waistlines and emotional states. I'm positive any faults occurring are do to their Americanized practices.
Why would anyone want to follow in our footsteps? The media has control over us, and they know it. Just look at the pharmaceutical industry, Big Tobacco and the advertising industry. Tune into your local news for stories the networks only want us to know. One minute butter is good for you, the next it causes cancer. Commercials are used to brainwash those who view into believing their doctor's prescription can cure anything with a magic little pill that will come with side effects. Don't worry there's another pill for that.
Remedy number one: break a sweat everyday. Trust me you will feel better. Remedy number two: throw away sugar. You will have the energy to actually sweat without calapsing and the headaches will go away. Remedy number three: drink water. It will rid your bodies of toxins that cause everything your trusty doctor's salary depends on. Three simple little procedures to follow everyday will change your life for the better. Anxiety you say? Make a list, put it aside and then re-read it. What are you really worried about and why does it matter? Remember there are millions of people who can't even make that list.
With the abundance of free time I have been recently blessed with, it is now my undying quest to find a job where I will build awareness to the lifestyles Americans have been accustomed to. These very lifestyles that are leading to obesity, depression and horrific dependence upon technology and the media for facts. Free time scares mist people. Free time means your mind is able to actually think about the matters in life that are meaningful. Free time means there is a lack of tasks that have previously prevented the mind from truly thinking about what the Land of the Free has done to revolutionize human thought and actions. The Land of the Free is a scary place. My mind will not let me escape the knowledge that the American way of life is trivial.
Great blog Natalie! You are a rock Star! Come visit me in NY!!! And stop worrying!!