Monday, November 21, 2011

I ran today. So outside of the box, I know. Something about watching Around The Horn keeps me going. And going. And going. I was once described as the Energizer Bunny. Shout out to Barry's Bootcamp......oh how I miss thee and the California hills. If only everything in life came to me so easily. In the mere moments of truly stepping outside of my box, I was reminded just how shy men can be. Thank God. It's not just me.

However. I have a huge problem with this recognition. Trust me, I am trying to show empathy. It is taking every bone in my body, even the ones I should ice daily, to not be down-right cold. Seriously, men are suppose to be the chasers. Yes, I sometimes feel I should've been born in the flapper era. This opinion is not solely mine. It is believed by many that men should ask women out. Some even go as far as labeling females in a derogatory fashion if they pursue. Lets save double standards for another night.

Back to the juicy stuff....if I hear one more time from a third party that this guy "is always asking about you" I may force to become bulimic. And I simply can't make myself hurl. Despite numerous attempts while hugging the porcelain God. Great! Someone give this guy a cookie. (Side note, I now am obsessed with baking.)

What is telling everyone but me going to do?

You can't get what you don't ask for. I should take my own advice. Refer to paragraph one....

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