Saturday, July 24, 2010

Women and Football

Annoyed. That pretty much sums up my mood. I've just watched some "interviews", youtube videos and read some blogs on fantasy football. First, why are they all labeled, "girls guide to fantasy football"?

I am woman, hear me roar!~

Besides the feeling as if, as a girl, I am incapable of understanding the game, I am disgusted with the google search leading me to boobs and football instead of actual football news. Am I the only one who sat on her living room floor as a kid, screaming at the t.v. because all of a sudden the defense forgot which side had the ball! Come on', we've all seen Remember the Titans, girls like that REALLY do exist. And, NEWS FLASH, they grow into intelligent, successful women who still are in love with the game, not just the players. Sorry guys, you're talented and that's why you get paid the big bucks, not because you look good in tights.

As of now, I will be acting as a male when preparing for my 2010 team. If I don't I will be spoken to like a four year-old, flashed on more than one occasion and left feeling like an afterthought.

I am ready for some football, ready for some knowledgeable women to assist in the fantasy process and perhaps come across as an intelligent, reliable source.

I have to take a minute to acknowledge the 6, at least it took more than one hand to count them, female anchors currently on the every popular Sports Center. Although 3 of the 6 are married or spawns of high profile male sports professionals, at least they are representing the possibility of achieving this goal as a female in love with the industry, what it has potential to stand for and the greatness the entity can bring to this country in such economic despair.

Hey maybe, Sports Center could hire a female to engage the female fan in the act of fantasy league development. Just a thought, but this could lead to some kind of, ya know increase in female consumer actions.....

Ladies how does this make YOU feel.....

Friday, July 23, 2010

It's Time To Shine....with a little help from my friends!

When I first landed in Los Angeles, I was ecstatic with the opportunist climate. What better a place to pursue a career and a masters degree than a place completely overpopulated; copious with agencies, athletes, businesspersons and oozing possibilities. As I settled, the smog lingered. The more and more I engulfed myself into the professional and social sector I had the sudden notion that everything was not as it seemed. Everyone was putting on one big show. As if a film crew was following them around shooting their fifteen minutes of fame. Possibly a characteristic of Hollywood, duh, but I was not here to land an agent or spend hours sitting in a waiting room to show the talent reps what I've got, talent baby. Still I believe Los Angeles has potential for any career. Now at the end of my academic road, I am an advocate for the aura surrounding the entertainer. They can teach us all a thing or two about the form of networking. In this economy, perhaps the most powerful asset us career seekers have is the power of the relationship. This is an art. One I do not label myself as an expert, but an understudy.

Job seeking is like dating, we wouldn't waste our time with anyone who didn't make a good first impression. With this in mind, I suggest a few simple guidelines.
  1. Find your red flag and wave it. Everyone has at least one good quality. If you're having a hard time pin-pointing yours, ask a friend, a colleague or a family member. You need to have confidence to ask out that hottie, and you need to have confidence in your ability.
  2. Be approachable. No one is ever going to ask you to dance if your planted in the corner. Get out there. Mix, mingle, socialize. Be the one person in the room everyone wants to talk to.
  3. Make eye-contact and smile. DUH!
  4. Have a conversation. Let them talk. Let them tell their story, DO NOT just tell them who you are, where you've been, where you're going and how they can help. No one likes a self-loving, entitled, one-sided conversation. You'll loose them after the first five minutes of "look at me, look at me" ramblings.
  5. Form a relationship. You wouldn't go up to your next potential date and ask them to marry you before even introducing yourself. Well, ok there are those overzealous individuals, but this practice is highly unsuccessful. The divorce rate is over 50%.
  6. Remain optimistic. So the last person you talked to just was not feeling it. There are plenty of fish in the see. No matter what city your in.
  7. Follow-up. So you have this rule not to call until at least 3 days after the first time you meet. Well, they gave you their contact information for a reason. Use it.
  8. Be consistent. So they can't get you a job tomorrow. Maybe someone who knows someone who knows someone can in 6 months. They won't remember you if you don't keep in touch. All successful relationships are communicative.
  9. Research the next potential informant. Where do the popular kids hang out. Go there. Know who might be there and google them. At the very least you'll learn something, but will also have an opening line. Creativity is key. We've all heard the, "Are your legs tired? Because you've been running through my mind all day."!!
  10. Finally......Be all you can be. At this point you should be well into the relationship, have found your mentor and formed a lasting impression. Don't mess it up. A simple thank you goes a long way.
We are all putting on one big show.
The performance, a never-ending interview. The chance to meet our next employer, a friend of our next employer, or better yet a cousin's wife of our next employers ex-golf partner back in their hometown. You never know who you are going to meet. So go forth, stand out in the crowd, be the itch that won't go away. Good luck, hell we all need it!